Organize your writing/thoughts

As we move into a new year and the days are slowly gaining in light,  consider new ways to approach your writing and gain inspiration. Try out some organizational tools or writing aids that go beyond a notebook. Some people use voice recorders to capture ideas – a lot of smart phones have the capability.  There are also programs and apps for phones and computers that  automatically date and store what you write in them. Use them to record your daily thoughts, writing research, ideas, record what you’re reading and watching on tv, your tweets etc. Everything gets backed up and, depending on what app you buy, you can sync to your computer, tablet and phone.

Some people use Evernote – an expansive tool for capturing information, writing etc. If you prefer something a little simpler, check out diary and journaling apps. For mac and iPhone owners check out Day One. For pc/android users check out the similar Diaro.

Both Diaro and Day One backup to Dropbox.  A very useful tool to have for backing up all your writing.

notingMore food for thought – How writers use index cards and other tools to help organize their story and plot screenplays – 2 short videos to inspire:

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