about SWC

Some History

Before there was the collective there was the Sooke Scribblers. The group was founded by Shirley Skidmore and enjoyed many years of writing talk, feedback and friendship.  To better identify us to the community, in terms of who we are and what we do, we have changed our name.


 The collective is for writers in any genre and our intent is to provide community, support and writing practice for writers in the Sooke region (East Sooke, Sooke, Otter Point, and Shirley). We will also be carrying on the long standing Scribblers’ tradition of hosting a writing contest for students of Edward Milne Community School. One of the ways we raise money for the contest prizes is to create and sell an anthology of works by group members. This year we added the work of the contest winners as well.

Ready to join? Check the website for the latest news and meeting times. Membership is $45/year  and includes publication in the annual print anthology and the chance for writing feedback and community.  Not sure? Questions?  email us

Sign up here.