Our Anthology Collection

Contents include stories, memoir, poetry and non-fiction by collective members and also includes the winning entries from the Edward Milne Community School Student Writing Contest.

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Shop local: Gallery by Sooke Arts Council ~ Sooke Region Museum 

or email us for potential local Sooke delivery.

Elevenses - Anthology 11

Stories and poems by 31 SWC members plus Emerging Young Writer Rena Young

$20. plus shipping

Sooke XO- Anthology 10

New for 2023 - our 10th print anthology!   Stories and poems by 25 SWC members plus Emerging Young Writers Lena Garvey and Allison Forget-Brosius

$18. plus shipping

Sooke Roots - Anthology 9

New for 2022.   A collection of stories and poems by 27 SWC members plus Emerging Young Writers Trinity Salsman and Brookelyn Kindt.

$15 plus shipping

Pieces of Eight - Anthology 8

The anthology for 2021!  A collection of stories and poems by 23 SWC members plus Emerging Young Writer, Trinity Salsman.

$12 plus shipping

Lucky Number Seven - Anthology 7

Fiction, poetry, memoir, essay: Works from twenty-four members and four student contest winners.

$12 plus shipping


Sooke Writes Again - Anthology 6

Works from twenty members and student contest winners - fiction, poetry, memoir, essay.

$12 plus shipping


Sooke All Sorts - Anthology 5

Eighteen members and student contest winners - fiction, poetry, memoir, essay.

$12 plus shipping


Write from Sooke

Write from Sooke - Anthology 4

Fifteen members and student contest winners - fiction, poetry, memoir, essay.

$12 plus shipping

Sooke Types

Sooke Types - Anthology 3

Fifteen members, guest author Wendy Morton and student contest winners.

$12 plus shipping

Words & Imaginings - Anthology 2

Fourteen members and student contest winners.

$12 plus shipping

Scribblers - Anthology1

Our first print anthology! To honour our roots it is titled “Scribblers”.  Stories, postcard stories, poetry and creative non-fiction by collective members and the winning entries from the Edward Milne Community School Student Writing Contest

$12 plus shipping