We’re off to a fantastic start to 2025 with thirty writers submittingto our 12th anthology! The editorial board will be processing the submissions and prepping them for the printed page.
Our title: Writing from the Living Edge. Our fabulous book cover artist has come up with a wonderful concept for the cover. Sneak peek in the near future.
Save the Date! The book launch for anthology 12 will be May 31st. Details and reading arrangements will happen in early May.
Coming in April: National Poetry Month and the launch of the Chapbook Poets group latest chapbook of poetry.
In development for SWC Members:
Peer to Peer Sharing & Learning – Talks with Q&A from members on various topics of writing and publishing
Learn as you go groups – on types and genres of writing
Bring-a-lawn-chair Writing Sprints & other writerly gatherings in the spring and summer
One day writing retreat in June.