Meetings and Reminders
The next SWC meeting happens on July 16th, 6:30 to 8 pm at the Sooke Public Libary. New members welcome!
We’re still fund raising for the future > “Scribblers – Sooke Writers Collective Anthology One” is selling for $12 at these local stores: Barking Dog Studio, The Reading Room and Sooke Region Museum Visitor Centre. For more information click here.
Challenge yourself by signing up for a free online courses or targeting a magazine to submit your work to. See our resources page for some information and inspiration.
Our Mission
To provide support, connection, inspiration and encouragement to writers* at all levels of development in the Sooke region through membership services which include monthly meetings and community outreach in the form of student writing contests, workshops and readings.
*please note this group is for adults
Meetings & Reminders
Upcoming Events:
View our events page for news of launches, events, workshops and more!
SWC has a virtual spot for members to continue to connect, learn, share, give feedback and support at An annual membership gives you access to the forum, Zoom meetings, member gatherings & workshops as well as a spot in our annual anthology.
Stay informed about future meetings and events by signing up for SWC News.
Become a Member
Support your writing: Become a SWC member. The Sooke Writers’ Collective is open to new members in the Sooke Region including East Sooke, Sooke, Otter Point, Shirley and beyond.
Join HereLike what we do?
Make a donation to help us grow into a literary force in the Sooke Region.
Other ways to support us: buy our books, spread the word, join & write.
Funds collected help grow the collective and bring programs and workshops to the community.
Thank You!!