Why be a member?
Community – talk with other writers for inspiration, encouragement and learn about process.
Practice – challenge yourself at monthly writing practice sessions. Show up, hear a prompt, write! Good for flexing and stretching those writer muscles. Readings will also take place at various venues in and around Sooke.
Production – get into the writing habit by committing to deadlines. With SWC, the prime deadline is for the anthology. If you are a member, you can be published in the annual anthology.
Learn – from time to time we have members or guests present talks on their writing process, marketing, character development, publishing, editing etc. etc.
Support – membership funds go towards the student writing contest and future gatherings. The anthology is one form of fund raising. Fund raising events will occur in the future with ideas already sprouting for literary events and workshops.
Our Mission: To provide support, connection, inspiration and encouragement to writers* at all levels of development in the Sooke region through membership services which include monthly meetings and community outreach in the form of student writing contests, workshops and readings. *please note this group is for adults.
To become a member you can sign up here or attend the next meeting. Membership fees are $20/year. Donations gratefully accepted.