It was a fairly full meeting at the library. We had a great conversation about self publishing with Veronica giving us her insights and experiences with creating a platform and getting attention.
She told us about her Book Funnel where she uploads excerpts of books and creates campaigns to gain readers. She has also created a newsletter for her readers
See Veronica’s website and Facebook page to see how she promotes her books.
For those looking to be published there are a number of routes depending on what you write in terms of genre, type (novel, play, screenplay, poetry, creative non-fiction etc) and whether you are looking for a publisher, magazine/journal to publish you or want to self publish.
In the new year we will continue with this discussion.
In the meantime – some food for thought:
CBC books article: A guide to Canadian literary magazines and journals open to submissions
Members don’t forget! The deadline to submit to our sixth anthology is March 15th.
Let’s target some feedback sessions in the new year.
**We are looking for patrons for the next anthology. If we can get businesses, individuals such as artists, editors etc. to advertise with us it provides connection to the community and helps with our print and launch costs.
Learning Opportunity
Award winning poet Wendy Morton is hosting a poetry workshop series in her home on the 4 Sundays from 1 to 3pm in January beginning January 6th.
Total cost: $80 for all 4 sessions – limited space. Please sign up asap to ensure your spot and get ready to create poetry. Contact SWC for details.